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Jeff Byrd

Personal GitHub

Charles Schwab - Austin, TX (Remote)

Senior Software Developer, Trade Experience Technology (2021-Current)

- Individual contributor, implementing features/maintenance
- Handling production issues, deployments, security scans
- Prioritizing call-driving field issues with Service dept
- Migrating calls to legacy services to cloud-hosted REST APIs
- Maintaining accessory projects for updated security requirements/framework support

StreetSmart Edge

 - Advanced stock analysis/purchasing software
 - User base: >100k institutional traders and retail investors

- Nasdaq Level-II Quote Subscription, PSR/Fundamental data service migrations
- Canary build production-preview process (Downloadable, out-of-network verification)
- TDA/"Schwab Green" local user setting migrations
- Watchlist accessibility labels

Technologies Used:
- WPF/.NET 6, Atlassian suite for project tracking/management/ CI-CD/Pull-Requests
- Postman for backend REST API prototyping
- Splunk for log aggregation/tracing calls
- Stencil.js/React/Jest on Watchlist ventures

Sensus USA - Morrisville, NC

Senior/Lead Software Developer, Eng Tools (2017-2021)


- Radio Communication/ Diagnostics 
- Electric product Acceptance Testing
- Automated Meter Infrastructure(AMI) Network Management
- Field maintenance solutions
- First-Article manufacturing acceptance testing
- ANSI C12.18/C12.19 Standard communication/reporting
- User base ~ 400 internal / 1,000 external

Technologies Used:
- .NET Core, WPF, Telerik UI, SQLite, Dapper
- Serial/Radio communications via proprietary binary protocol over UART

iConfig 2

- Customer configuration for on-site/remote Sales reps
- Product Ordering / Factory Configuration 
- Remote reconfiguration/field maintenance solutions
- User base ~ 100 internal/ 500 external

Technologies Used:
- WPF, XML configurations
- T4 Templating-> HTML-> PDF for standardized configuration reports
- Core Library for data types/business rules

SensusCore (Messaging/Util) Library

- Unifying tool sets / deprecating legacy toolsets
- Refreshing product message definitions to a modern software platform
- Standardizing datatypes across disjointed product lines
- AES Encryption schemes, compressions

C#  .NET Framework 4.6.2, MS Test , 90% test coverage

SmartWare Automation

Automation Design Engineer (2014-2017)

- Automation framework to accelerate test coverage, testcase "first pass" (TCFP), regression
- Drag-Drop logical flow (~LabView, but with radio tech)
- Enabling ad-hoc automation of various product-lines 
- User Base: Specialized ~10, Overall ~100

- Electric Productline SME
- Team Lead, involved in QA test-plans and facilitating automation technology coverage

- WinForms (.NET 4.0 - 4.61) / NUnit / Jenkins / Atlassian Crucible

- Various Quality initiatives (See: LeanSixSigma CI)
- Introduced Selenium + Appium Platform/mobile-testing support
- Enabled web, mobile, radio, and serial communication testing within the same application for users

- Electric productline support (GE, Aclara, Elster/Honeywell, Landis & Gyr, Sensus)
- ANSI C12.18/C12.19 Standard implementations
- Created an algorithm to sweep 65,000 unique configurations of channel reporting 
-     Enabled System Test efforts which otherwise be infeasible (4.1 ManYears) became an 11d automated effort on a remote VM

Lean Six Sigma Continuous Improvement Initiatives

Standardizing, Extending, Automating Load-Profile Comparisons

Problem: Interval billing testing was time-consuming and manual
Solution: Automated data collection/comparison, introduced more independent data sources, automated reporting.

Reduced 7d manual test effort to 1h automated test effort. Significant morale boost, empowered engineers to parallelize and expand coverage

Raspberry-Pi Remote Testing “Device-Cloud”

VirtualHere (Remote Linux USB) + Raspberry Pi USB-Hubs for building out remote-operation of serial devices,
accessible over the VPN, enabling multiple testbed suites, remote sales demo

Range-reduction for water-meter Comm devices

Problem: Single-channel radios were overlapping common frequencies, requiring all 
testing to be scheduled and non-overlapping between 5-7 testers, single-tests at a time. 

Solution: Antenna shielding 
- Effective range reduced from 400ft to 1ft radius, unblocking all testers (and allowing each individual to multiple instances)
Data-driven approach was measuring effective radius with CommTool and endpoint.

Hobby Projects

HouseHub Weather SPA

- To create a smart "Home Page" for LAN
- Local weather real-time data/forecasts through Wunderground/

Tech used:
- Rust( backend API
- React.js front end (with Razor/Vue.js ports created)
- Both front/back-end Containers hosted locally on Docker server

Discord Channel Bot

- Store/schedule reminders (per user)
- Store/replay quotes, funny emoji responses

Tech Used:
- .NET 6, Postgres, Dapper
- Container hosted locally on Docker server

Roku “Smart TV” Wake-up Alarm

- Launch local news/weather at a pre-configured time

Tech Used:
- Roku Python3 library, Raspberry Pi/crontab scheduling)